A Mini Carbon Dating System (MICADAS; IonPlus AG, Switzerland) was recently purchased and installed in Yale’s Analytical and Stable Isotope Center (YASIC) in December 2022. The MICADAS offers the ability to conduct repeat 14C sampling of soil, gas, and water. In addition to being able to measure graphite samples, the MICADAS has a hybrid gas source interfaced to various peripherals including an Elemental Analyzer (EA) for organic samples, a Carbonate Handling System (CHS) for carbonate samples, and a tube cracking system for CO2 samples.
In addition to the 14C analyses on the MICADAS, we offer TOC and 13C/12C isotopic analyses using a Thermo DeltaPlus XP coupled to a Costech ECS 4010 Elemental Analyzer, also housed within YASIC. Additionally, we can analyze cores for 210-Pb and 137-Cs using Geranium Gamma Detectors within YASIC. The latter analyses would take more time than the 14C and isotopic analyses; thus, if there is interested in the Pb/Cs analyses, let us know and we can discuss.
YASIC Website: https://earth.yale.edu/yasic-yale-analytical-and-stable-isotope-center