Requesting Sample Analysis

Please fill out the following spreadsheet to submit your samples. Once the spreadsheet is filled out, send a copy of the form to We also request you print the spreadsheet and include a copy of it within the package containing your samples.

Information that is needed for the spreadsheet includes:

  • The name of the personal investigator (PI) on the project.
  • Location/Site the sample(s) was collected from.
  • The ID associated with the sample(s).
  • The type of sample(s) submitted. For this column, you will select from a list of options, including plant/wood, charcoal, organic sediment, mollusc, coral, foraminifera, bone, otolith, carbonate sediment, and other.
  • Whether the sample(s) was pretreated. This is also a list, which includes the options of: No; Yes – Acidified; Yes – Acid/Base/Acid; Yes – Sediment Homogenized (not recommended); and Yes – Other.
  • The minimum and maximum depths from which the sample(s) was collected.
  • Type of coring device used and whether or not compaction was assessed. We request compaction has been assessed in field when the cores are collected.
  • Whether the samples were dried and what drying method was used. The options for this are: No, Yes – Freeze Dried, and Yes – Oven Dried. If the samples were oven dried, please include the drying temperature.
  • Sample weight in mg.
  • % OC of the sample(s) if this data was collected.
  • Age estimate of the sample(s). Choose one of the following from the list: > Modern (1950); 0-10,000; 10,000-30,000; >30,000; Unknown.
  • Year of sample collection.
  • Whether or not there was potential for 14C contamination, which would make the samples appear more modern than what they should be.
  • If you answered other to any of the previous lists or if you have any other comments about the sample(s), please include that information in the additional comments column.

Any questions about the network or submitting samples, please send an email to the network at